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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Space Cadet Pinball

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Game Name : Space Cadet Pinball
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2004-08-17 15:32:45
Views : 26237

Secret Tunnel
There is a secret tunnel in the deployment chute. To get this the ball into this tunnel called a Skill Shot, you must launch the ball partway up the deployment chute and have it come down to the first yellow arch light. There are 6 yellow arch lights in the chute, and they give out different points depending on how many you hit:

1- 15,000 Points
2- 30,000 Points
3- 75,000 Points
4- 30,000 Points
5- 15,000 Points
6- 7,500 Points

Level Commendation
f you're a good aim with the flippers, knock down the 3 yellow "tombstones" that are in roughly the center of the table, just above and to the right of the ramp. The first time you get all 3 down, you get "LEVEL ONE COMMENDATION". If you do it again within a minute or so, you get LEVEL TWO, then THREE... you can get replays this way. If you can continue to knock them all 3 down before the time runs out and the lights go out, you can get as many replays as you want. It takes incredible aim to do it, but it's worth practicing at!

Hyper Space Chute II
Putting the ball into the hyper space chute the 4th time doesn't get you a free ball... it gets you an OPPORTUNITY to get a free ball ("EXTRA BALL AVAILABLE"). To actually get it, you have to get your ball into the vertical chutes to the extreme left or extreme right, all the way at the bottom. You have to do it while the light in those chutes is lit. Here's the real trick with the hyper space chute: DON'T go into it for the 5th time to do "GRAVITY WELL". It's neat to see the ball act funny and you get a few points once the gravity is "normalized", but instead of doing that, try to get your "extra ball", and then wait a few minutes... after a minute or so, the fourth light in the hyper space chute will go out. Once it does, THEN shoot your ball back into it and you'll get another "EXTRA BALL AVAILABLE"! I've managed to rack up 4 extra balls at one time that way. But... "REPLAYs" are more valuable than "EXTRA BALLS", because with a replay, any missions ! that you're currently in the middle of don't get cancelled; you get to continue them. With an extra ball, you start over.

Hyperspace Chute
This is how the hyper space chute works.




4.Extra ball

5.Gravity well

Gravity well is cool.

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